Krui Left surf break South Sumatra

Krui Left surf break South Sumatra Krui Left July 2017

General surf information

Krui left breaks on arguably the most perfect shaped reef in the area creating a quality left hander with a perfect barrel. If this break was exposed to more swell it would be an A class wave. Unfortunately it's hidden away behind a headland and is flat a lot. On bigger swells you can expect 1 to 1.5 mtr surfable wave faces. It seldom gets over 1.8 mtrs.

Vibe in the water

When the swell gets big at other breaks Krui Left is an overcrowded nightmare as most beginner to intermediate level surfers head to Krui. With shortboards, bodyboards, longboards and SUP boards crammed into a small takeoff zone, you need a lot of tolerance to surf Krui Left. If that doesn't sound like you then best avoid Krui Left at peak times.

Crowds at Krui Left 2022 Krui Left July 2022

Recent years has seen an explosion in local surfers that rip, it's easy to predict that in a few years getting a wave at this break will be a challange for any visiting surfer.

Surfing perfect Krui Left 1.8 meter waves 1.8 mtr swell July 2017
Krui Left surf break Sumatra Midtide July 2017

  As krui town grows so does it's impact on the cleanliness of the ocean. After a heavy rain it is probably best to avoid surfing here as a small stream that runs through Krui empties all sorts of nasties into the ocean.

Access:Paddle out.
Best Wind:NE to SE
Best Swell:SW or huge Southerly
Dangers:Shallow reef. People dropping in on you and ditching their boards in your face.
Crowd:20-40 in season, 15-20 off season

Paddling out

Easy paddle out from the beach near the fishermen's boats.