Exploring the surf Pesisir Utara

Exploring & surfing beyond Krui & Tanjung Setia

Over the past 20 years the coastline around Krui and Tanjung Setia in South West Sumatra has been slowly developing. The many roads, lanes and tracks used by the local fisherman have provided travellers and developers easy access to explore and exploit. But venture beyond these small pockets of coastal tourist development and you quickly find yourself off the beaten track where a Do It Youself attitude is required.

Children at waterfall near Krui Pesisir Barat Sumatra The coastal road to Kuripan

North of Krui

Krui to Bengkulu is a route well travelled by Indonesians but relatively few foreign tourists. Bus services are daily so the only viable way to explore this area is by motorcycle or car.

Krui to Penengahan

The drive from Krui to Penengahan in the Lemong district is a very popular and highly recommended day trip. The road winds it's way through some of the most beautiful countryside in Pesisir Barat. There are plenty of photo opportunities and some picturesque places to stop for a meal along the way.

View of Pulau Pisang from Tembakak Way Sindi Sumatra

Penengahan to Bintuhan

North of Penengahan at Pekon Lemong the highway leaves the coast and winds it's way through the mountainous jungle for 40km before returning to the coast at Pantai Batas Manola 36km south of Bintuhan.


Bintuhan is the largest town between Krui and Bengkulu. With dozens of beautiful beaches and only 210km from Bengkulu it's fast becoming a destination for domestic tourists.

Visiting Bintuhan before 2017 it was immediately noticable you had moved way beyond the influences of foreign tourist ventures and become immersed in a more genuine Indonesian experience. The next three years is probably the best time to experience the Bintuhan area before Surf Tourism has it's inevitable effect on the local community.

Bintuhan Surf

Still uncrowded but not unexplored the waves around Bintuhan are comparable to those in the Krui and Utara districts. Wave quality is very dependant on swell direction due to irregularities in the reefs.

Trucks avoided crash but ended up in ditch Friendly school children Bengkulu province Sumatra
Selamat jalan Lampung, selamat datang Bengkulu

South of Bangkunat

The road south beyond Bangkunat is seldom traveled. With no tourist infrastructure or bookable accommodation following this road to nowhere is a real mission. It's a destination for those who can't get far enough off the beaten track or local 4x4 enthusiasts looking for a hardcore adventure.

Kota Jawa south west coast of Sumatra

Surf beyond Bangkunat

The last easy to get to surf break is the point at Kota Jawa Bangkunat. Beyond that is pantai Way Haru and then the unknown. A few adventurous surfers have explored this far south but none have returned with news of any quality surf breaks or any breaks worth the effort.

South of Bengkunat Getting way off the beaten track. The road to Pantai Way Haru SaburaiNEWS video.

Cultural Sensitivity

Behaviour that's acceptable in many western countries or tolerated in Bali is often considered in very poor taste by the modest people of South Sumatra. Becoming aware of some Sumatran culture and customs is highly recommended for a safe adventure that leaves good will and respect in the communities you visit.

Wooden bridge at Mandiri Sejati South Sumatra Exploring Mandiri Beach area 2022