Third party liability surfing and traveling in South Sumatra
This might be the most important information you need to understand when visiting the Krui area of Wild West South Sumatra. This article is applicable to any type of accident where a local is injured or their property damaged.
The law of the jungle
Speak to "outsiders" Indonesian or foreign about their accident experiences in Lampung and they will all say it's the law of the jungle
. Legal representation denied, at fault locals demanding damages. You might feel like your in the American Wild West of the 1800's.
The truth is Pesisir Barat is far far away from the legal system you are familiar with and you shouldn't expect a solution that seems rational to you. The sooner you accept and work with that reality the better off you will be.
Most local Indonesians believe every foreign tourist is rich. This stereotyping will almost definately lead to a more difficult and expensive situation.
Hati Hati (careful careful).
You can't be careful enough. Eventually the laws of probability will get you. You can however take some precautions
While surfing
There are a lot of beginner Indonesian surfers out in conditions beyond their capabilities. Most don’t follow the safety rules of surfing and have a macho attitude that's a danger to you and themselves. Avoid surfing with these local surfers.
Out on your scooter
It only takes a few minutes watching the chaotic Indonesian traffic zipping by to know driving any vehicle in Indonesia is dangerous.
Do I need a drivers licence?
Don't believe anything your accommodation owner or motorcycle hire tells you. It is illegal for a foreigner to drive a vehicle in Indonesia without a vaild International Drivers Licence. If you are in an accident and you don't have a IDL you will be in for an extremely scary, unpleasant and expensive experience. Even if you were the one who got crashed into!
Travel Insurance
Try and find comprehensive travel insurance that specifically covers 3rd party liability for all the activities you will be involved in.
The Bottom Line
These words of advice from an Indonesia friend are worth remembering "You are not in Jakarta."