Ujung Bocur surf break South Sumatra

Surfing 2 meter day at Ujung Bocur

Ujung Bocur or Karang Nyimbor? Though there is much debate over the original name of this wave there is no debate that it is the most consistent wave in the area. On the best days it's 200 meters long with wally carving sections and the odd shallow barrel.

Irregularities in the reef and a small swell window makes this a fickle wave that often breaks wide and sectioning on larger swells. 1 in 3 swells will be correctly lined up for this break. On a trip less than 4 weeks you may not see this break at it's best.

A common sight 2.4 mtr Ujung Bocur breaking wide
Quality:Excellent. Can produce World Class waves.
Wave Type:Reef
Best Wind:E to SE
Best Swell:S to SW
Best Tide:Incoming or Outgoing - Mid Tide
Access:Paddle out
Crowd:20 to 50 off season 35 to 75 in season
Dangers:Sea urchins, stonefish, firecoral, breakwall at high tide

Vibe in the water

Gird your loins !

The Tanjung Setia surf community is not willing to lay down the rules in the water so surf etiquette is almost non existent at Ujung Bocur. No matter what the swell size you will suffer constant snaking, drop-ins and have to endure some pretty poor and dangerous behaviour.

During the season when the swell is under 2 mtrs you will be competing for waves amongst crowds of 40 to 75.

Paddling out

There are two main places to paddle out, best place depends on swell size, tide & current.

North side of reef

There is a small channel on the north side of the reef and this seems to be the most popular way out for visiting surfers. However if you drift or are washed out of the channel you will be in for a long hard paddle and risk being washed into a nasty reef affectionately called the "Surgeon's Table".

South side of the breaks outside section

This route is used by many locals and as long as the swell is not huge it only requires patience and good timing. On most days this is the easiest route. There are sea urchins so booties are recommended.

Alert  The construction of a 1.8 mtr high breakwall in Feb 2024 can make the paddle back in on 1.1+ mtr tide with 2 mtr swell a challenge.

dangerous breakwall Ujung Bocur